Brain Food: Power for Body and Brain - Artikel Bild
Power boost for the brain

Who needs to mentally effort over a longer period and carry a lot of responsibility, will soon feel drained, tired and no longer receptive. Since most of us nowadays mainly perform sedentary brainwork rather than physical effort, we should pay attention to proper nutrition.

The cause of a slight, temporary deterioration of the brain function is often a lack of trace elements: especially phosphorus, zinc, selenium and potassium. By eating pears and especially nuts, these valuable substances can be absorbed quickly. In addition, broccoli, spinach, cereals (raisins!), fish, avocado, pulses, soybeans and apples count to the main brain food representatives.

Important for nerves and our memory are omega-3 fatty acids found mainly in fatty fish such as salmon. Who does not like fish, can draw on rapeseed oil, linseed oil and nuts. There is another reason why nuts are the optimal energy snack: They are full of B-vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and the neurotransmitter choline - especially walnuts prevent nervousness and a lack of concentration. But since they are high in calories, they should not be enjoyed too often and only in smaller quantities. Nevertheless, as snacks they are in any case certainly better suited than fat potato chips or similar snacks.

Alternative: 100 grams of pear have only 55 calories. The juicier the pear, the better the ingredients are absorbed and utilized by the body. People who have to work mentally highly concentrated should, especially during the cold and dark season, consume pears regularly to prevent fatigue and nervousness. Who does not want to forego something with a crunchy bite: You can also prepare a fruit salad with pieces of pear and chopped nuts!

Avocados provide the brain and nerves with a lot of energy and lift the spirits: they are full of the vitamins B1 and B6, and vitamin E, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper and lecithin. Especially lecithin is supposed to improve the concentration and to protect the brain cells. Although the avocado is full of calories, it consists of more than 30% fat, the unsaturated fatty acids have a positive effect on the whole organism. Also the fiber-rich carbohydrates of the avocado have a calming effect on the blood level and make you feel full.

Chia seeds are exceptionally rich in antioxidants, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. They also have the highest omega-3 deposits of all (at least 18 grams per 100 grams). But that’s not all: Chia seeds contain 10 times more omega-3 than salmon, 9 times more antioxidants than oranges, 4 times more iron than spinach, 5 times more calcium than whole milk, 15 times more magnesium than broccoli and 4 times more fiber than linseed. Furthermore, chia seeds contain vitamin A and B, potassium, boron, zinc, folic acid and essential amino acids.

Recipe Tip of Martin Stein, Chef in Altaussee:

Chia pudding with avocado & pear salad
4 tbsp. chia seeds
250 ml coconut milk
1 pear
1 avocado
4 tbsp. walnut kernels
2 tbsp. cold-pressed organic flaxseed oil
Soak the walnut kernels the previous day or overnight in warm water and then remove the peel and chop them coarsely.

For the chia pudding, mix the chia seeds with coconut milk in a bowl. In the first 15 minutes stir occasionally, so the seeds do not form clumps and no milk settles on top of the mass. Pour the mass in soup plates and put it in the refrigerator for at least two hours.

Peel the avocado and cut into equal wedges.
Wash the pear well, remove the seeds and cut it into wedges.
Now marinate pear, avocado and walnuts carefully with the linseed oil and spread it on the pudding.

         Good luck wishes Martin Stein!

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